Matin Camera Cleaner ( M-6307 / M-6308 )
This is electric ion water that is made by electrolysis and stable process of diaphragm and process of electricity and pressure.Safety - the property of this water is the different from that of the Sodium hydroxid (NaOH) and entirely free from fear of any chemical injury or simulative skin touch.Peeling action - with negative ion work between the dirt and the surface of substance, this is applicable to any object without doing damage or causing chemical change by detergent or cleaner.
This prevents the substance from rusting and septic corrosion by correlation between oxidation and reduction.This alkaline water has other efficiencies such as not only disinfectant and fungicidal effect, but also deodorant and smell absorbent effect. Directly spray on the substance, and wipe out its surface with a towel, tissues, or stay in the flowing water, after a few seconds.
there could be white foam that is an ion protective film. It isn't harmful just keep it away by wiping. Peeling dirt, rust-prevention and antiseptic effect for all kinds of OA apparatus such as computers, monitors, copiers, etc